Patients are Experts
The Biopharmaceutical Atlas of Discovery and Development: Your self-paced guide to understanding the process of medical research and development
This program will put you in the driver’s seat.
You will not need to wait for the process to unfold to learn it – you can learn ahead of the curve.
We have mapped out all the on ramps, roundabouts, express routes and service stations along the drug discovery and development journey.
With your support we'll develop short courses based on this comprehensive map, and make them available on a monthly subscription basis.
Patients become experts in their own disease.
Patients and caregivers have a wealth of lived knowledge about their conditions. Access to a better understanding of biopharmaceutical Research and Development can help patients and caregivers share their stories and experiences, and accelerate the advancement of new treatments.
Education that meets you where you are
Salem Oaks is working towards a future where patients and their care partners play an active role in drug discovery and development; from the funding of basic research to the design of clinical trials to making their voices heard with regulators.
We offer educational programs that help you practice new skills. Our courses are interactive and help you understand what lies behind the simplistic process-chart view of drug development. We seek to meet you where you are and therefore we are building a wide range of courses for beginners through advanced patient opinion leaders.
Drug discovery and development consists of multiple layers filled with dependencies, hidden risks, and changing policies.
It is more like a transportation system with land, sea, and air routes for various activities. Imagine a place you can go to see the big picture and drill down to the details you need today.
We are building that place.
We are calling it The Biopharmaceutical Atlas of Discovery and Development: Your self-paced guide to understanding the process of medical research and development.
Salem Oaks has mapped out all the on ramps, roundabouts, express routes and service stations along the drug discovery and development journey.
We offer short courses based on this comprehensive map that are made available on a monthly subscription basis.
We have only just begun. New courses will be developed each month based on our subscribers’ requests and needs.
Refer a Foundation
Salem Oaks strives to partner with patient organizations and foundations to allow a broader patient population access to the valuable education that we offer.
We challenge you to connect us with your patient organization for the creation of and access to educational resources.